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Coloring Cards

I have been drawing mandalas for a very long time (well over twenty-five years). They fill me with such joy, I cannot even express to you how wonderful I think they are. One thing I have noticed in the past, is that sometimes I would like to use different colors on the same design. Then it struck me- marry this idea with greeting cards and voila! Opportunity knocks!

I love the idea of offering these to you to add your own special touch. I actually beta tested these designs, giving them to several friends and loved ones to put their spin on them. I loved how they took each design and made it their own. No two were even close to being alike. It was magical to me.

Currently, these are available in singles, packs of five or all ten. The release today is design pack 1. (there are 3 more design packs in the wings) I look forward to watching this bloom in our partnership of creating!

Thank YOU for your endless support. Without it I would not be living this big amazing dream!

So much love to you,


Design pack 1
In this custom pack of ten cards- you will receive one card of each of the first ten designs!

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