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Grandparent’s Day

The impact of my grandparents remains long after they left this earth. I not only was lucky enough to know each of my four grandparents, but two great-grandmothers as well as my husband’s grandmother. Each of these people left me with lessons and love, memories, and virtues.

I am also blessed to BE a grandmother. My granddaughter calls me, “Nana” or just “Nan!” when I am teasing her or she is trying to get my attention in an urgent way. She is one amazing young woman, and I am so happy she is my grandchild.

Some might suggest that this is just another “Hallmark holiday”- maybe. I’d like to think of it as a day to celebrate those who make an impact on our lives. Those we can seek guidance from when perhaps our parents are just a little too close to any given situation. They might spoil us differently from our parents, they might have wisdom that our parents are just too new to have in their back pocket as yet.

So today- if you are lucky enough to have a grandparent, or perhaps just someone who fits the role, send them just a little love. They will very much appreciate it.

#grandparentsday2022 #sharethelove #greetings4good

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