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it’s a beautiful thing…

when people gather just because.

when they join to do nothing special, or so it seems. I asked several VIPs (very important beautiful souls) to my studio to celebrate the moment and create greeting cards to send. The intent was to just send something thoughtful for no reason in particular. I am convinced in life that we need love from others in order to thrive, but also, we need to give love. It is part of our balance as humans.

The idea of thoughtfulness is like fuel for my heart. It gives ME life. I have been accused of being a Pollyanna, yet I do not believe that thoughtfulness is a need for validation.  I certainly don’t think I am “too nice”.

I am giddy when I send a card for no reason. Or send flowers, or show up with a cup of coffee for someone who I know needs a little love or pick me up. Thoughtfulness isn’t all that difficult. It is about raising your consciousness and remembering that we are all in this together. Don’t we ALL need a little love once in a while?

As I sat around the table watching these creative souls create cards for no particular reason at all, I witnessed the excitement in their spirits as they discussed who they knew that might appreciate some love in the mail. We talked about how no one enjoys the typical mail, bills, and advertisements. We spoke about how to make our cards even more special, drawing on envelopes and perhaps a beautiful seal on the back. We created, we laughed, and it was beautiful.

For this and so many other reasons, I began Greetings 4 Good. These cards created a connection before they were even sent out! How simply beautiful is that?

Send the card- make a card (or buy one from me) Cards have a way of reminding all of us to take a breath, create a moment, give a bit of joy, support, or love… Greetings 4 Good began as a dream, and now it is just such a beautiful reality. I feel so darn blessed.

a graphic with blues, purples, greens, and golds. with the text "live your big dreams"
Live your big dreams!

Loving what I do, so darn much-
