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365 Project

On January 1, I began a 365 project. You know, how you feel so ambitious at the beginning of the year (EVEN in the middle of a pandemic)? I worried that by the following week I would already be weary. Creating a new habit can be difficult. However, I am happy to report that I am not!

be brave with your life

Each day has been a joy to take a moment and write a card, regardless of the length. I tend to carry that person with me all day. (in my head people, not literally, that would just be weird) Thinking about them, what I admire about them, what I hope for them. I am finding that it helps me get out of my own head for a moment, and put someone else first. It has been a joy. 
My point is this. It is easy to do! Who doesn’t love getting a card? Who doesn’t appreciate being thought of?

I will fully admit that I am finding the restrictions and stresses of life to be a difficult challenge. This card project seems to be my rebel move to spread a little light in the darkness.

So.. send the card. It helps- I promise.

sending you oodles of love!


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