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A birthday postcard created with the art of Susan Carmen-Duffy of Greetings 4 Good

Postcards are AWESOME!

(this is not news, but wait, there’s more!)

Let’s talk about postcards! Postcards began in 1840 when a man named Theodore Hook actually sent one to himself. (I don’t think he wanted the general population to know this, however, this seems to be true based on research.) Postcards have often been a way to record travels, capture an image of something we admire or appreciate along the way. A little over twenty years later, John Charlton copyrighted the first American Postcard. (Theodore Hook was English, you see!)

Postcards are thoughtful! When you send one while you are on a trip, your efforts are certainly appreciated. How lovely to be thought of while someone is actually on a trip or vacation trying NOT to think of anything other than having fun or relaxing. Postcards do not have to be related to travel, however! They can be to celebrate, to take a moment to write a note, to do many things!

Postcards are collectible! Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, everyone was sending postcards. Not only did postcards serve as an easy way to communicate with someone, but they were also fun to collect. People collect them for a variety of reasons! (did you know a collector of postcards is actually called a deltiologist?)

Electronics have taken over as the main way we communicate. (but how effective is that?) However, they are cold letters on a screen, with no inflection, quick, and certainly not as engaging as a lovely piece of mail!

NOT so fun fact! The average household receives less than a dozen personal letters/cards/postcards a year! This is horrific! How did you feel the last time you received a card from someone? EXACTLY! It is lovely to be thought of, important to reach out to others (especially in the times we have recently endured.) If you want to stand out from every other person in someone’s life, send a postcard. The uniqueness of the gesture can capture anyone’s attention.

Postcards (especially those designed for Greetings4Good!) are works of art! What a thrilling way to communicate AND be thoughtful at the same time. They make great bookmarks, (for those of us who still read books with pages and such), they look darn fancy on the refrigerator, framed on a wall, or tacked on a bulletin board! Either way, a postcard can decorate any room AND they are cheaper to send than cards! (although cards are good too –insert big smile here!)

Why, oh why am I talking so much about the virtues of postcards, you ask? Well, Greetings 4 Good is happy to announce (ARE YOU READY?) a postcard subscription! We have postcards for nearly every occasion! They will arrive once a month complete with postage so you can share the love all over the place.

Let’s be GREEN! Postcards are happy mail with minimal waste. They are compostable! They have no envelope AND cost less to send than other greeting cards!

Want to know more? Current subscriptions are available for 3, 6, and 12-month time frames. You will receive a set of five cards (a lovely curated collection) along with appropriate postage – all you have to do is write your note, address your card, and pop it in the mail! Subscription packages are available on

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