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Share the love

So, Covid-19… What an interesting time this has been. I have found myself experiencing pretty much every emotion possible. (Gratitude to grumpy and pretty much everywhere in between) I remember at the beginning being horrified that I couldn’t go to my BRAND NEW studio, because we were being told to stay home for a month. (or you know a year and a half). But we adust to things, don’t we?

In 2020, I did my best to keep pivoting to try to keep Create Art 4 Good & Greetings 4 Good alive. I painted live, shared creative distractions, painted signs, painted three or more mini paintings a day, offered them via social media, and more. By 2021, I grew weary. It wasn’t that I didn’t love making art. I sure did! But was clear to me that things needed to change a bit. It was clear that I needed to focus.

So I have. I have worked on restructuring this big dream into something I felt would make a difference. Something that would serve in some way. It is important to me that I use my talents for good, however that happens.

You know that moment in the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy learns that “she had what she needed all along?” I have had a few of those moments too.

I say a few, without exaggeration. I think this is one of those lessons I need to learn and re-learn until I really LEARN it. But sometimes it really is difficult to see the forest for all the trees. Sometimes you have to be still. Sometimes you have to stop.

You see when I began this card company five years ago, I had no idea it would become a mission. I had no idea how it would steer the “Thoughtfulness project”, I had no idea how meaningful it would become for me to set a goal to send cards (#365 project) daily to loved ones and strangers alike. I had no idea that a silly piece of card stock, sent, when I felt the inspiration to send would mean so much.

In the past five years, I have sent literally thousands of cards to friends, family, and mostly strangers. I do so when I FEEL moved to. Rarely do I receive any sort of feedback, but when I do, it feels like I have won the lottery. I hear comments like, “I received your card on such a low day. You made my day.” or, “Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone.” or “I don’t understand it, but your timing is always perfect.” or … well, you get the idea.

Back to Covid. So… we are about twenty months in. We are headed fast and furiously into the holidays. I personally do not know what that will look like. Last year I saw my immediate family, we exchanged gifts around a campfire wearing too many layers of clothes on one of the coldest days of December. (oh my gosh- It. was. cold.) We shared a few gifts, we shared stories, we shared hope. But-We didn’t hug, we stayed six feet apart, we didn’t sit around a table with a traditional meal, we didn’t do anything normal. It was heartbreaking and beautiful all at once. For me, it meant that my family was willing to freeze just to spend an hour or two together in the very cold New York State weather.

(and just so you know, I was grateful to be freezing by a campfire with my family)

BUT, that sure has informed my plans for this year. I don’t want to get into politics, talk about who is vaccinated and who isn’t, for what reasons, or any of that. I just know that we are still vulnerable. I also know that nothing is certain.

So, back to the card thing- this year, I designed so. many. holiday cards. Why? Because I don’t know if there will be a traditional meal with my family, friends, and others. I don’t know if I will see people, I don’t know if I can deliver a plate of cookies or a beautifully wrapped gift. While this has reframed my traditional holiday ideas, it has also given me fuel for my mission.

I DO know, the power of a greeting card. I DO know that they make a difference.

So, I encourage you to send cards – (and I would sure love it if you would shop my site. Why? Because not only am I a small business on a big mission, I pay it forward with every single sale. Because cards reach out when you cannot. Because cards are delivered for one stamp and that is a pretty inexpensive way to send a ton of love.

I love you
Remind them they are loved!

Send the cards… share the love.

Sending YOU, so much love,


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