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Advent “Calendar”

Advent Calendar Activities in a box!

One of my favorite childhood memories is one of my mom upcycling Christmas cards and creating Advent calendars for us. They would look like a big building, twenty-four windows, and one door for Christmas day. We would begin on December 1st, take turns cutting open the shuttered windows to reveal a holiday image. Each day would help us to count down to the door which was Christmas! As a child, it helped us keep time giddy with excitement and anticipation. As an adult, it is a sweetest fond memory.

As someone quite enthralled with the idea of all things paper- stationery, calendars, greeting cards, and MORE; I have wanted to create something to share with well, you know, the world! This was a sweet and simple idea that truly gives me joy. Of course, I wanted to share that joy. So for the last few years, I have been working on a design to make this happen. I wanted to appeal to families, singles, couples, all the things (which isn’t easy!) So I have incorporated a whimsical image along with a simple activity. (take a walk, look at the stars, make cookies and share, things like that) In my head it HAD to look like my mom’s calendar. It was exciting to open a window! ( We took turns doing this, it was exciting when we got to reveal the day) But as a responsible designer and a somewhat practical human being, I recognize that getting a large calendar house to you through the mail might be someone difficult. So, I had to think of a way to accomplish the same thing, but do so in a more accessible way.

SO, I have cards, a nifty little holder so you can display the card of the day and it’s all wrapped up in a nifty little box! They should be available next weekend (November 13th) and goodness, I AM SO EXCITED!

As someone who tries to embrace, be aware and supportive of other cultures and beliefs I recognize that I can do that while still celebrating Christmas. These cards are more holiday-inspired. While I consider them my version of an advent calendar, they are more “take a moment to appreciate all we have” cards. This is pure joy for me. (and hopefully you too!) This, for me, is the best of the season. It is about the pause, the taking some time during the season to breathe, to cherish this time, to celebrate the joys of this life we are blessed with. As a child, I was completely unaware of the hustle and bustle the holidays bring for adults. As an adult, I cherish even more the efforts my mom brought to make our holidays so special.

These should be available on the 13th of November. You will receive it in plenty of time to begin your December off right! Please do not hesitate to order yours ahead of time! I have limited quantities, but I can sure order more! I will put the last order in for the year (this includes Christmas Cards) on November 13.

As always, pick up at the studio is free, however, shipping is $5- Here is the link- Advent Activity Cards!

I AM SO EXCITED (can you tell?)

Sending you so much love!


A few cards including the holder! There will be a new deck each year for you to mix it up!

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