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I went to press today…

This isn’t a unique activity really. Today, however, it felt quite nearly triumphant.

My goal was to go to press in July. You will notice by the date, it is not even close to July. I have spent a great deal of time feeling discouraged about not meeting my goals. What does that do, really? Probably nothing productive. But the cold hard facts are, sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes what is most important to deal with has nothing to do with your goals or agenda.

I am working with great intention this week on gratitude, but I can say that this summer has been a challenge for me. In July I had a heart issue which included a hospital stay that set off a series of doctors, medical appointments and new medicines. It really took the wind out of my sails, for sure. I have been trying all summer to be “me again”, I can say, the struggle is real! My energy has been incredibly low, frustration pretty high. BUT, I recognize, I have much to be grateful for.

September brought a new ball of fun, Covid. This felt like the rug got pulled out from under me. I am incredibly careful and yet, here I am, two weeks of covid fun. I am here to tell you that this covid thing is for real. I had a fever for ten days, sometimes over 102. Body aches, fatigue, all the things. The brain fog is one of the most challenging, which is why I bring this up. Going to press, where details REALLY matter, is a challenge with brain fog.

I’ve spent the last four days pouring over my files. I felt fear of making a huge mistake, joy over finally going to press, and hesitation in hitting that submit button. Even once I submitted, I second guessed every single card. But I know this. I have been doing these cards for six years now. I know how to do it, yet, I did not trust my foggy unfun brain.

Some would suggest that perhaps it just wasn’t the right time to go to press. Take a break, rest. Yes, absolutely, it was time to step back a little. The summer has been difficult and I certainly did not function on the level I normally do. I found that incredibly frustrating. I found it discouraging. I didn’t have the fight in me I usually do. BUT.

But… this card company launched six years ago on October 3. I opened it in a special exhibition at my gallery at the Hungerford. I was scared, I was thrilled, I was filled with anticipation. Since then I recognize that this is more than a greeting card company. It is an opportunity to reach out to those who might need some love. It is a message of support, it is hope, it is love, it is celebration. Greetings 4 Good is a company built on the purpose of loving my fellow human. Challenges or not, it was part of my mission to push past and go to press.

So, 130 new cards are on their way. I cannot wait to share!

I am here to share not only my gratitude (and relief) in finally going to press, but also, gratitude for you. I appreciate so much support from each of you- Thank you for loving me and what I do. Thank you for sending cards (and sending MY cards!) Thank you for sharing the love.

Sending you so much love…


a birthday card from my autumn collection!

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