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Seven years

Seven years ago- on October 4, after a few months of research, design work, and all the inner battles and edits that come with being a creative, I launched my greeting card company Greetings 4 Good. I was nervous and excited and all the things…

I have been making cards since I could hold a crayon. (I think they have elevated a little since then, but you know, there is purity in Crayolas and a three-year-old)

Greeting cards hold some of my earliest and fondest memories. For me, they are a little love in an envelope. (it’s not just a slogan!) They are thoughtfulness, they are sweetness, simple, and effective! They have become a mission for me! They seem to have power unlike any other.

This year seems to be the strongest for me as far as designs. What you learn in college about design sometimes takes years to truly understand. I am doing my best to embrace the facts, but authentically design too. This collection feels really good to me!

I will share it soon! Until then, know you are loved-


May be an illustration of tree

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