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Artist Trading Cards

I am not sure what the weather is like where you are, but here it is sort of gloomy, the sun comes out when it wants to (which isn’t all that often) and I really want to brighten my art life (and every day) up a bit. I do well with a challenge and a deadline- so… I thought I would share!

This is a call for art- for Artist Trading card-sized art to be specific- you may work horizontally or vertically on a 2.5″ x 3.5″ substrate. This work must be your original work- your style- all the wonderful things. If you use things that would activate or be smudgy please fix them before sending them. You work in your style, your medium and show off your creativity! In return, you will receive back the same number of cards that you submit. (if you send three you will receive three) The limit is ten per artist.

You may create however you wish. I would appreciate nothing bulky. It should be able to fit into a baseball card sleeve with ease.

Please pass this on to other artists! I would love to have work from all the states (They say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one)

I would very much appreciate $5 to help send you the traded cards- My hope is that this will cover the cost of shipping things back to you. (envelopes/postage etc) If I have money left over from your donation, I will donate it to the local food pantry. You get new art and someone else gets food- it is a win-win!

All entries must be postmarked by February 29th, why? because it only happens once in a while and it is a really cool date! Besides, it is the last day of the month of love to share the love! Do it!!

***** Please make sure your address is legible. That is vital for me to return your new ATCs!****

I hope you will join me. I look forward to seeing your work!

Edit** It would be incredibly helpful if everyone sent ten ATCs to trade. This makes it easier for the trade. Rookie mistake! It has been some time since I organized a swap.

Also, yesterday I learned from Pat, a member of the Chili Art group, that often the host is gifted an ATC for organizing the swap. I sure wouldn’t complain about that!

Questions? Contact me-

Share your ATCs and receive art from others!

ATCs will be mailed by the week of March 11, 2024

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