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Reason #6

(it’s a really great reason!)

Last November my husband and I were married for 43 years. We went away for a few days to celebrate. That was our gift to each other. I couldn’t just leave it at that though. I had to do something more. I wanted our anniversary to be special. I wanted him to know I appreciate him.

So, I made him cards- a whole darn bunch of them. I hid them in his backpack, shoes, clothes, personal care bag, computer, his briefcase, and around the Airbnb we stayed at. Everywhere he turned there was a new note or card. He was delighted. It was fun. He quested for some and then allowed others to just be found as they may.

I guess the point is, that he appreciated the effort, I had fun making and hiding them, and it was a delightful celebration. I think it is important to take the time to appreciate each other. Magnaoumous gestures are lovely, but also are simple things.

I remember one time when my card company was just new, I hid one in his briefcase. I didn’t say anything, nor did he. Six months or so later, he found it. He asked how long it had been there and then immediately apologized for not finding it sooner. I felt like he found it when he needed to, and well, that was good with me!

Sending a card to someone for no reason, or maybe every reason seems to make both you and your person smile. I hope you send one soon!

Thoughtfulness helps keep the magic!

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