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No. 7

It sort of piggybacks on yesterday’s great reason to send a card!

I have traveled all the ups and downs of my marriage. (maybe not all, but a whole bunch of them) There have been incredible and joyful times, and there have been very dark times. We married at nineteen just a couple of months out of high school. We thought we knew it all. We thought were much smarter than our parents could understand. (we were in love and that is the whole reason to get married, right?) So we jumped!

The famous lyrics say-“all you need is love“- but you need more than love. You need a willingness to fight for your relationship when there are a lot of alternatives and ways to walk away. Disclaimer: I am certainly not suggesting that this is the fix for all relationships- only my own experience.

All of that said, Anniversaries are a victory for me. It isn’t just about counting another year, it is truly about celebrating another year. I have seen people divorce at two years and at forty-five years. There is literally no guarantee. There is no “we’ve made it”- NONE. Taking another year for granted is a foolish mistake.

That said, when you or someone you love is celebrating an anniversary- send a card! Tell them what you love about them as a couple (or a spouse). Celebrate love, tenacity, and fortitude.

Send the card- share the love… celebrate.


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