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Number 10 & 11

Sometimes you just need to take a day off…

Yesterday was time with my husband day. It has been such a crazy week- I have been out of the house most nights with workshops and demonstrations. He has been ever so patient and supportive. He even made dinner (or ordered a pizza- which is still facilitating dinner) It has been my goal to post a thoughtful idea to inspire you and others to send cards. More cards! More love! But yesterday, it was important that I spend time with my husband. He is after all my greatest cheerleader, my number one supporter.

So today- it may feel a little like cheating, but I encourage you to thank those who offer you services – reach out to the small businesses! Often small businesses – particularly when they are new, will offer a giveaway, or some sort of contest. These are people that are working hard to get noticed. It is difficult in a world where we receive constant messages a zillion times a day to stand out.

Have you participated lately in such a giveaway? Did you win something? Send a note of gratitude! The product you received was not free for the business that gifted it to you. AND then share and post about it. It could be a note to a friend, a post on social medial- but SHARE the love for this business! It costs nothing! the impact will be greater than you know.

Happy Sunday! Enjoy the Superbowl!

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