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Number 12-

Some years ago, after an article was published about me in the newspaper, I received a lovely handwritten note inviting me to lunch. This note came from a complete stranger, so at first I was hesitant. However, something in me knew that it was something I should do- so off I went.

The company was delightful, and the hostess became a dear friend and avid supporter of me and my work. It was a risk I suppose, but it was in many ways life-changing. I continued to enjoy many more lunches and dinners with my friend Marlene.

My suggestion to you is to invite someone to lunch or even a cup of something at a local coffee shop. Get out of your routine and enjoy the company of others. A handwritten note is such a delightful way to engage and invite someone to enjoy time with you.

#sharethelove #invitation #sendthenote #printedlocally #RochesterNYartist

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